Image: Cantabile 2


Cantabile 2

Memory is one of the interactive installations designed for a library performance by Cantabile 2 - Space between Two Words. In the performance, audience members, similarly to library users, move from one library section to another to meet in the isles between the stacks and to find common grounds - far beyond their taste in literature. Memory, originally set in the historical books department, explores the gap between the events of our personal lives and the acknowledged facts that fill the library bookshelves. The performer and her audience attempt to fill that gap with their own imprints.

Drafts of Revelation are scenes selected from 3 different performances by Cantabile 2: the major one-to–one performance, Venus Labyrinth, the library project, The Space Between Two Words, and the latest work, Hidden Number. Drafts are made of three chapters, Desire, Memory, and Judgment and they can be experienced separately or as a three-step journey. Drafts of Revelation explore human integrity and, as the performance unfolds, both audience and performers experience relationships between them being formed and tightened. Audience participation is the prime mover of the performance.

Cantabile 2 has been the regional theatre of the municipality of Vordingborg since 1990. The theatre was established in 1983 by Nullo Facchini who has been its manager and director ever since. Cantabile 2 has explored different types of theatre over the years, more recently focusing on the Human Specific approach that puts the audience at the centre as an active participant alongside the performers.

Concept & performance: Karolina Pietrzykowska
Artistic director: Nullo Facchini